Last Updated: May 24th, 2022 Inc.



IN ORDER TO USE OUR WEBSITE, THE EVENTCAMP SOFTWARE, OR TO RECEIVE OR USE OUR SERVICES, YOU MUST HAVE REVIEWED AND AGREED TO THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY AND THE USER LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, YOU MAY MAKE NO FURTHER USE OF OUR WEBSITE, THE EVENTCAMP SOFTWARE, OUR CONTENT OR OUR SERVICES. Inc. respects the rights of individuals to protect their personal information from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure or destruction. As a Manitoba corporation, Inc. administers personal information in accordance with its obligations under The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

It is important to note that where the EVENTCAMP Software and associated services are used by an event holder to feature their event, the information collected for registrants for that event is collected on behalf of the event holder and will be transmitted to the event holder in due course, excepting only credit card information processed through third party payment processors such as Bambora, CloverConnect, Stripe, PayPal, etc. Inc. will retain a copy of registrant information for its records. Similarly, where an event coordinator establishes an EVENTCAMP Software account and is linked to a particular event by the event holder, event coordinator account information and account use details shall be transmitted or made available to the subscribing event holder; Inc. shall retain a copy of applicable account information and account use details for its records.

1. Personal Information

This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information under the custody or control of Inc. "Personal Information" is defined by applicable law to mean "information about an identifiable individual".

Personal information does not include business contact information of business representatives featured on our site where such information was provided to us for the purposes of facilitating communication with that person in their professional capacity.

2. Collection

At Inc., we only collect personal information required to: (i) establish user accounts (whether as event holder, event coordinator or event registrant), (ii) facilitate requested services, (iii) facilitate payment processing where necessary, (iv) to carry on general administration of our works and undertakings, and (v) to improve your use of our website services.

Typically, in order to establish an account and to carry our services, we will require the following information: First Name, Last Name, Email address, Company (if applicable), Address.

We may also use cookies to help you navigate through our site, to note points of interest and improve user experiences, and certain information may be provided to us as a result. You may disable cookies at any time by adjusting your browser settings – this may however affect your viewing or use of the website, the EVENTCAMP Software or our services.

3. Use and Disclosure

Personal information is used by Inc. solely for the purpose for which it was requested and for no other purpose. Except in the case of transmission of personal information to event holder subscribers for registrants and event coordinators for their specified events, Inc. does not disclose personal information except where required or permitted under applicable laws.

4. Safeguards Inc. has in place security safeguards to help protect personal information against unauthorized access, use, modification and disclosure. We evaluate our security practices on a regular basis to best protect those that use our services.

5. Access

Upon request, an individual may request access to his or her personal information maintained by Inc. Individuals are able to challenge or confirm the accuracy or completeness of their information that we have on file.

6. Modifications

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically and without prior notice to you, and any changes will be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised policy on our website. It is your obligation to review the Privacy Policy found on our website to note any modifications.

7. Links to Third Party Websites

The EVENTCAMP website may contain links to other websites or applications. We do not control or endorse any third party websites. Your use of such links and any third party websites or services is at your own risk and subject to third party terms of use and conditions.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, or for any reason need to raise a question, concern or comment about our privacy practices, please do not hesitate to contact our Privacy Officer:

500-167 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3B 0V3